
Cool,Gaming,Whats New!

Gamestop Taking Pre Orders For The Xbox One..We Are Stepping Into The New Generation and Ordered ONE!

xbox-one-logo-       The crew at has taken the first step. Gamestop is open for in store pre orders, very limited per store. We just returned from ordering ours. We have reservation number 2 so we will be there on launch date and gaming that night. We have read everything about the system, the licensing, the used games and all the negative posts on the internet. Here is why we are going with the new generation of xbox ONE.



Microsoft is a software company. This whole next generation of cloud computing is all about software and servers, Microsoft’s forte. And we would rather back a software company like Microsoft than a hardware company like Sony and the PS4. We were right in thinking that last generation with the 360 and we will be right this generation with the ONE!

We cannot wait for November 30th….Keep tuned and will update the site with all types of info.

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