Listen, the crew is keeping everyone involved in the Reno air show crash in our prayers. But, and this is a big but, here’s whats on our mind.,..We don’t think a 76 year old pilot belongs in a highly modified p 51 racing tip to tip in an air race of this type. In ANY type of motorsport competition that requires less reflexes, this would not have been allowed…why is this allowed in a motorsport that requires the highest level of reflexes and timing?
Yes, we know, it looks like a mechanical malfunction caused this. But who’s to say a younger, better re flexed pilot wouldn’t have saved the plane and averted such a tragedy. What type of lunacy allows this to happen?
One of the crew was scheduled to be there and thank God he averted being in this tragedy by running late. When he did arrive, he witnessed the carnage first hand. He was solemn, to say the least. Just something to think about..
The Reno Air Show Accident…Why Was This Man Flying?
Yes, we know, it looks like a mechanical malfunction caused this. But who’s to say a younger, better re flexed pilot wouldn’t have saved the plane and averted such a tragedy. What type of lunacy allows this to happen?
One of the crew was scheduled to be there and thank God he averted being in this tragedy by running late. When he did arrive, he witnessed the carnage first hand. He was solemn, to say the least. Just something to think about..
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